

With winters coming to an end and warmer temperatures approaching, there is only one thing people of Toronto, York and Durham are scared about. And that is- Ants, lots and lots of ants coming to life.

Yes, that’s right! Ants are tiny insects with 100s of species that almost always find a way to enter a house. Moreover, they multiply rapidly and live in colonies. This means that when you spot a single ant crawling on your kitchen counter, there is much more hiding or raiding some other part of your house.

Hence, it’s best for you to know why there are so many ants in your house and how can you avoid getting into that situation once again this year. And if you already are in that situation, we will be telling you how to best treat it.

Types of Ants you often find in Toronto, York, and Durham

There are over 100 species of ants in this world. And some are more common in Toronto, York, and Durham than others. So it’s important for you to identify the type of ant you have so that you can come up with a solution to get rid of them. You also need to know the type of ant in your house so that you can stop it from entering once again.

Here are the different types of ants which usually enter homes in Toronto, York, and Durham.

  • Pavement Ants: These are the long black ants you often see walking in a long line. They usually nest under pieces of concrete and will enter your house looking for sugar. Even a small drop of juice is enough for them.
  • Carpenter Ants: These are other common kinds of ants found in houses. They are also black but larger than other types of ants. They nest in wood. However, they do not eat it like termites. But, they do cause damage to your wood by creating burrows to live in.
  • Odorous Ants: They are small black or brown ants that give out a coconut-like smell when killed. These ants love moisture and the indoors. They nest in spaces in walls, near hot water pipes, and basically any other space where there is moisture. Occasionally they also nest in wood affected by termites.
  • European Fire Ants: While these red ants are rarely found in houses, they are often seen in backyards and gardens. These ants have a painful sting which is why you need to keep an eye out for them when relaxing in a park, garden, or backyard.
  • Pharaoh Ants: These are small yellow or brown ants. They have a tendency to live in large numbers and nest in warm places close to food and water such as wall voids and behind furniture.

Why ants are attracted to your home?

Your house has all the things an ant looks for. These include food (especially sugary things), water, and shelter from the scorching heat that’s about to come.

Since ants are tiny, they leave no place around them when looking for food and water. And in this hunt, one of them will enter your house inviting hundreds of others. This is because ants leave a scent trail wherever they go. This scent trail helps them get back to their nest. But this same scent trail will also help other ants to enter your house and scavenge for edibles.

Moreover, ants don’t need a lot of water or food. Even a drop of water is enough for them to keep coming back to your house for more.

In addition to this, carpenter ants and odorous ants are attracted to moisture and water-damaged wood. And if you by any chance have lots of clutter or even plants in your house covered in moisture, your house will definitely become a safe haven for carpenter ants.

How did ants enter your home?

There are a couple of places where you need to look at entry points. Because even if you get rid of the ant infestation you have, new ants can come in from these points.

Ants can be inside your house if you keep your backdoor open for fresh air to come in. They can also come in from any cracks in your door or foundation. Also, if you have a habit of leaving your windows open or if they are not closed properly, ants can enter. In addition to this, they can also enter from utility lines or the little space between the pipe and the wall. They can also come in along with anything that you get from the outside.

Remember even the tiniest of space is enough for ants to move into your house. And so you need to make sure all these entry points are taken care of.

How can you get rid of ants?

Start off by keeping your house clean and sealing all entry points. Keep all the leftover food stored properly and wipe off any water droplets around you.

This way you will cut off the ant’s food and water supply and will also stop the path from which new ones can enter.

After doing all of this, try home remedies such as traps or the use of chemicals to get rid of the ants that are nesting in your house.

Contact us

If you are unable to get rid of the ants on your own which is quite likely, call a professional to take care of the situation for you. This is because ants are small pesky pests that always manage to find a place to hide in. And only a professional can get rid of them properly. Moreover, they will also find the sources in your house which are attracting the ants. Then, they will make sure that the source has been brought to an end. This way you won’t be having an ant infestation any time soon.

Give Quality Affordable Pest Control a call now or send us an email and we will get back to you.

By admin

Hey, My Name is Muhammad Umair Khan, For the last couple of years, I have been writing Blogs for QAPC. But for the past 5 years, I have been doing professional content writing for an IT company. Since writing is my passion so along with that I have been blogging and writing articles and website content as well.

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