
Why are there ants in my house in the middle of spring? 

Ants are tiny creatures that are known for their persistence and excellent organization. However, when these insects invade your house, they can be quite a nuisance. Homeowners frequently complain about the ants’ infestation during spring.

Top Reasons For Ants Infestation In Spring

Spring is the perfect time for ants to attack your home. Why? Let’s find out.

Warm Weather

Temperatures start warming up in the middle of spring. Ants regulate their body temperature according to the weather. When the temperatures rise, they prefer to settle at a cooler place, and your house may be the perfect spot.

Food Sources

Ants are always looking for food, and your house may provide a rich source of nourishment for these insects. Even a few crumbs on the floor or kitchen counter can draw them into your house.


Spring rains cause moisture to accumulate in your house, which attracts ants. If you have leaky pipes or standing water in your home, this can also provide an ideal environment for ants to thrive.

Breeding Season

Many ant colonies start to breed in the middle of spring. As the colony grows, the ants look for new places to live. They are attracted to areas that provide shelter, food, and moisture to reproduce successfully.

Scent Trails

Ants communicate through pheromones and leave a smell trail for other ants to follow when they find a food source. Even if there is a small amount of food out, it can fetch a lot of ants into your house.

How To Prevent Ants From Invading Your Home?

  • Keep your home clean and tidy: Ants are attracted to crumbs and spills, so clean up spills immediately and sweep floors regularly.
  • Store food properly: Keep food in airtight containers or refrigerators to prevent ants from getting to it.
  • Seal cracks and crevices: Ants can get into your home through small cracks and openings, so use caulk or weatherstripping to seal them up.
  • Eliminate sources of standing water: Ants need water to survive, so fix any leaky pipes or faucets and empty standing water from flowerpots and other containers.
  • Use natural repellents: Use natural repellents: Vinegar, cinnamon, and peppermint oil are the popular natural things that help keep ants away from your place.

What To Do If You Already Have An Ant Infestation?

  1. Use bait traps: Bait traps are a popular and effective way to eliminate ants. Ants will take the bait back to the colony, killing off the entire colony.
  2. Use ant spray: Ant spray will kill them on touch but won’t eliminate the whole colony.
  3. Call in the professionals: If you have an extreme ant infestation, call a professional pest control company.


In sum, ants can be a common problem for homeowners during the middle of spring. Following the advice above, you can prevent ants from entering your home. Preventative measures are your best bet against ant infestations, so make sure your home is always tidy. However, if ants have already been infested there, Quality Affordable Pest Control has your back. Call us immediately at 647-502-3950 to hire professional ant removal services without breaking the bank.

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