
What are the Top 5 Most Common Spring Pests?

With the weather getting warmer with every passing day and spring just around the corner, pesky pests are getting ready to become a part of your house and life in Toronto, York, and Durham. This is because as winter is coming to an end and spring is in full bloom, pests are coming out of hibernation. And you need to be careful as pests are not only annoying but they are also a carrier of diseases and can cause serious damage.

Now, there are some pests that are more common in spring than in any other weather. And you need to be careful so that you don’t end up with these pests in your house. So what are the 5 most common spring pests you need to keep an eye out for? And how can you prevent them from making a safe haven in your house? Keep on reading to find out.

Cluster Flies

Cluster flies resemble houseflies except that they have a yellow patch of hair under their wings. These pesky pests usually enter your house in the fall when temperatures are low. At this time, they go into hiding in Toronto, York, and Durham.

Then, when it gets warmer and the outside looks pleasant, these cluster flies come out of hiding and roam around your house. Here and there they try to get out of your house and go into the open where they actually belong. Sometimes in doing so, they hit windows and doors and die. As a result, this creates a nuisance in your house you really don’t want. Hence, it’s best to get rid of cluster flies as early as possible and also bring an end to the root cause which allowed them to make a safe haven in your house.

How to avoid cluster flies from entering your home?

Remember how we told you that cluster flies usually enter your house in the fall. Well, the process of the prevention of cluster flies in your house begins since then. So that spring goes on without having to see them flying or dead in your house. Tips to prevent cluster flies from entering your house include:

  • Avoid keeping your doors or windows open.
  • Cover any gaps and cracks.


Just like cluster flies, mosquitoes don’t miss a chance to enter your house from any small openings. They irritate you by biting and leaving an itchy mark. Furthermore, they can also cause several diseases like dengue and malaria.

How to avoid mosquitoes from entering your home?

Once mosquitoes enter your house, it’s very difficult to get rid of them. So, here are a few tips you can follow in order to prevent these flying pests from entering your house.

  • Make sure that there is no standing water in or around your house.
  • Make sure there is no yard debris.
  • You can also use a mosquito repellant spray.

Bed Bugs

The warm temperatures of spring and summer provide the perfect breeding ground for bed bugs. Hence they are one of the common pests that ruin your peace in spring. These small pests will annoy you by hiding in places you cannot find them. Then they will crawl on your skin, bite you and irritate your skin. In addition to this, they have a special ability to multiply rapidly. So finding one-bed bug only means there are hundreds and thousands of more hiding in your house.

How to avoid bed bugs from entering your home?

Here are a few ways you can avoid a bed bug infestation.

  • Make sure your house is clean.
  • Bed bugs are usually found in hotel rooms. So make sure you don’t bring any with you back home.
  • But remember once the infestation has happened, it’s best to get professional help.


At a time when rainfall has just ended and flowers are in full bloom, termites find a way to ruin things for you. These insects eat wood and damage the infrastructure of your house. They can do a lot of damage to the wooden things around you in no time. So, once you have a termite infestation, get a professional to exterminate them for you and save your house from some serious damage.

How to avoid termites from entering your home?

To prevent a termite infestation, try these safety measures.

  • Make sure that the wood in your house isn’t in contact with the ground.
  • Check gutters, pipes, and other places for moisture. As termites love moisture and it’s the perfect breeding place for them.


Once winter is over and the sun is out, ants come out of hiding and roam around your house in search of food. They can travel a long distance to find food to take to their nests. This is because ants begin collecting and saving food for the winters from the start. In addition to this, ants often make their nests in the corners of your house. So, you might find a few wood shavings around in case of an infestation.

How to avoid ants from entering your home?

To ensure that these pests do not create any nuisance in your home, you can follow the following measures.

  • Clean your attic and vents to make sure that ants do not colonize there.
  • Also, throw your garbage regularly.
  • Check your piping to make sure no ants are entering from there.

Contact Us

You can only try and stop these pesky pests from entering your house and creating a nuisance in spring to an extent. As often no more how hard you try, they often find a way to enter. Hence, the best solution to get rid of these common pests in the spring season is by calling a professional such as Quality Affordable Pest Control. This is because a professional can not only get rid of the current pests you have but he can also identify the pest and its access points in your house. Moreover, a professional exterminator will ensure that these pests do not come back any time soon.

So, contact us today and get your house pest-free.

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Hey, My Name is Muhammad Umair Khan, For the last couple of years, I have been writing Blogs for QAPC. But for the past 5 years, I have been doing professional content writing for an IT company. Since writing is my passion so along with that I have been blogging and writing articles and website content as well.

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