
Understanding Carpenter Ants: How Much Damage Can They Actually Do?

The carpenter ant is one of the most valuable insects on Earth. They consume vast amounts of wood, grinding it to fine sawdust that eventually decomposes and serves as compost for new environmental development. However, they are a prevalent and highly destructive pest when they enter human-made wood structures.

What Do Carpenter Ants Look Like?

Carpenter ants are bigger than most other species of ants. Some of the essential features of carpenter ants are:

  • 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch in length
  • Black, brown, red, or a combination of these colors
  • Rounded thorax and heart-shaped head
  • Large mandibles
  • Elbowed antennae

Types of Damage Carpenter Ants Can Do

Even though carpenter ants don’t eat wood, they can still do a lot of damage to homes and other buildings. The damage carpenter ants cause is often the result of the tunnels and galleries they create as they move through wood. Some of the types of damage that they can do include:

  1. Weakening structures: When carpenter ants dig tunnels through wood, they can weaken the wood’s structure, which can cause it to fall.
  2. Damage to insulation: They can also make tunnels through insulation, making the insulation less effective.
  3. Electrical damage: Carpenter ants can sometimes eat through electrical wires, which can start a fire.

How Much Damage Can Carpenter Ants Do?

Although carpenter ants do not cause as much structural harm as termites, they are still not be taken lightly. If carpenter ant colonies grow undisturbed over several years, they will continue to extend their territory, gradually destroying any wooden structures in the area. The possibility of carpenter ants surviving the cold only makes the situation worse. Carpenter ants don’t necessarily perish during the winter; instead, they enter a dormancy called diapause, during which they drastically decrease their activity levels to make it through the colder months.

Therefore, putting off dealing with a carpenter ant infestation is not a good idea; once the weather warms up, the ants will swiftly return to their work, slowly and steadily hollowing out wood structures. If left unchecked, this hollowing out can eventually cause the building to collapse.

How to Prevent Carpenter Ants?

The best way to avoid damage is to keep carpenter ants from entering your home. Some ways to keep carpenter ants away are:

  • Carpenter ants like wood, so keeping firewood, lumber, and other wood products away from your home will keep them out.
  • Carpenter ants can enter your home through small holes and cracks in the walls and roof. Sealing them can prevent them from entering the house.
  • Wet wood attracts them, so keep your home clean and dry.
  • Carpenter ants can use trees and bushes to get into your home, so trimming them away from your house can help stop infestations.

Get Rid of Carpenter Ants with Quality Affordable Pest Control

The best way to avoid damage is to keep them out of your home. However, if they do get in, professional pest control services can help you get rid of them quickly and safely. Quality Affordable pest control uses specific treatments to eliminate the Carpenter ants and ensure they don’t return. Call us at 647-502-3950 to get a free quote immediately.

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